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How to Make/Host Counter Strike 1.6 Server Online [2014 - UPDATED]

Most of you would be confused because your CS Server isn't going online anymore or AMX MODX isn't working, that is because of using an Older version of the Counter Strike 1.6 Server. Steam updated their update tool from the HLDSUpdateTool to SteamCMD which has minor updates and fixes.

The Planet of Apps presents to you the Latest and Updated method to Make a Counter Strike 1.6 Server Online [2014]

The Minimum System Requirements for Hosting a CS 1.6 Server are
  • Internet Connection with a Speed of 8MBPS or Above 
  • 1.5Ghz Processor 
  • 500MB Disc Space 
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8

Let's head to the procedure

Step 1: Download the Server Files from the Link above.

Step 2: Once you've downloaded the Files, extract and Save it to any location.

Step 3: Open the folder, Locate and open 'Server.cfg' from the 'cstrike' folder and replace the Server Name with a desired name, do the same with the RCON Password to some password you want to set.
Server Installation Complete : All the Server Files are edited and AMX MODX is already Installed.
Step 4: To launch your Server, locate and open 'HLDS.exe' and type in the same Server name and RCON Password as you did in Step 3.

Server up and running

Step 5: After launching your server you should note that people may NOT be able to connect to it and the server is not ONLINE.
To make your server go Online, you must PORT FORWARD your Modem / Router.

The following ports are to be Port Forwarded to host your server online:

TCP/UDP 1200-1200 
TCP/UDP 27020-27039 
TCP/UDP 27000-27015  

Note: If you don't know how to port forward your ROUTER/MODEM please visit the following link and enter your ROUTER/MODEM details:
Click here to Visit the Link

Step 6: Once PORT FORWARDING is done, your server is ONLINE!
Players will join your server after you give them your 'Server IP'. To find your server IP, you need to know your Internet IP Address which can be found on the right side of this Page or by visiting this LINK.

The Server IP will be your IP followed by 27015, for example
(Where is the IP and :27015 is the PORT)

IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS/QUERIES regarding PORT FORWARDING or need any other assistance, Please comment below or Contact Us!
How to Make/Host Counter Strike 1.6 Server Online [2014 - UPDATED] Reviewed by K-Shan on 10:29 AM Rating: 5

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